Salina Central
High School
Salina, Kansas
Class Of 1978
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David Abbott
Yvonne Acklin
Connie Adam (Warta)
Jamie Akers (Rains)
Joe Alford
Colleen Allen (Manning)
Doug Amend
Leo Anderson
Raelene Applehans (Mapes)
Marty Archer
Cynthia Armster
Ken Arpin
Ione Arthur (Gargis)
Jerry Asbridge
Tamra Baird (Hardinger)
Dane Baker
John Baker
Cindy Baldwin (Reece)
Tom Ballew
Anna Ballou (Campbell)
Donald Baltazor
Susan Barrett
Donald Bartell
Melissa Battles (Maddox)
Sue Baxter
Barbara Bayes (Saetz)
Richard Bernard
Clyde Bettes
Teri Bishop
James Black
Mitch Boaz
Karla Boder (Waller)
Mary Anna Boileau (Wolf)
Doug Bolen
Ed Bolen
John Bolte
Bobby Bradbury
Melanie Branham
Lisa Brockelman (Robertson)
Gary Brooks
Ray Brooks
Joane Brown (Schmitt)
Millie Brown (Brooks)
Debbie Burrows (Porter)
Lynn Burt (Bullard)
Lise Butler (Ostenberg)
Larry Cade
Cathy Camarena (Hadorn)
Roxanne Camarena (Polk)
David Canaday
Susan Carlson (Jenkins)
Penney Cash (MacPherson)
Scott Charles
Barbara Clanton (Leihy)
Debi Clanton (Yockey)
Connie Clark (Hayes)
Jan Clark
Jim Clark
Kimberly Clark (Woods)
Robert Clark
Ross Clark
Dana Cochran (Cochran-Wiley)
Denise Colborn (Wilson)
Barb Cole (Nitz)
Kathy Cole
Ron Collier
Curtis Cooke
Greg Corum
Brian Cox
Clarence Cox Jr
Pam Crable (Lamer)
Lana Cross (Stanley)
David Deckert
Danny DeHerrera
Mary Dinkel (Kist)
Debbie Dinneen (Rush)
Tina D'Innocenzo (Hearod)
Catherine Draemel
Diane Dreese (Geisen)
Jane Dubiel (Johnson)
Doug Dutton
Karen Easter (Zeller)
Julie Edwards (Proberts)
Marva Elliott
John Ellis
Greg Ernzen
John Eshleman
Ted Feenstra
Ronald Feitel
Mike Ferguson
Helen (Liz) Fidler
Steve Ford
Ken Forrester
Mike Forshee
Daryl Fouard
Debbie Frank (Rector)
Loretta Freeman (Gassid)
Shelly Frick (Fuller)
Julie Fritz
Patricia Fronk
Dennis Fry
Harry (Jino) Fuller
Loretta Furse (Perkinson)
Thomas Gardenhire
Cheryl Geisler
Jeff Giacoletto
Greg Gifford
Jonnie Gilbert (Arnold)
Sharmaine Gilbert (Poole)
Donna Gile (Tope)
Rodd Glavin
Julie Good (Hunter)
David Goodwin
Laura Goudy (Williams)
Kim Grant (Pruitt)
Paul Griffith
Gloria Guzman
Nathan Haggard
Brian Hamel
Patty Hancock
Edyle Harbaugh (McDaneld)
Ed Harris
Allan Hauck
Kevin Hayes
Sharon Hederstedt
Beth Heidrick (Webster)
Joye Helm (Sisler)
Jerry Hemmy
Tammy Henke (Buchan)
Elaina Hernandez
Tony Hernandez
Ken Hewitt
Nancy Hewitt (Weber)
Verna Hicks (Goble)
Mike Higgins
Rita Hocking (Thomas)
Carla Hoeffner
Robyn Hokr
Allene Hough (Eland)
Bill Houltberg
Kelly Howard (Wilson)
Lonnie Humes
Brenda Hustus (Ward)
Kelly Jester
Mitch Johannes
Brad Johnson
Claire Johnson (Dannenberg)
Colleen Johnson (Vance)
Dale Johnson
Eric Johnson
Mark Johnson
Richard Johnson
Scott Jones
Elissa Katz
Janine Keeler (Martinez)
Andre Keintzel
Brenda Keller (Siemsen)
Connie Keller (Morris)
Ruth Kief
Earl Kinderknecht
Alan King
Ann Kingsley
Carol Kingsley
Steven Knowles
Evelyn Knox (Rude)
Richard Korbe
Patricia Lagerman
Shana Lamer (Stitt)
Damon Larm
Brent Larson
Kathleen League
Jeri Leaming (Perret)
Barry Ledden
Bill Lewis
Mike Lewis
Theresa Lewis (Rathbun)
Richard Linaweaver
Rob Lindeman
Julie Lingo
Debbie Lipker (Tharp)
Eddie Lipscomb
Steve Logan
Susan Loveless
Paul Lowe
Johnna Lowry (Boswell)
Cynthia Lundgren (Anderson)
Mary Lykins (DiGregorio)
Randy Main
Jeff Mapes
Lancer Martin
Lisa Martin (Mays)
Susan Martin (Tackett)
Tim Martin
Eram Martinez
Laura Mastin (Templer)
Shaun Mattison
Teresa Mattison (Perez)
Angela Maxey (Percival)
Sean Maxey
Pam McCandless (Sopher)
Brent McClintock
Donna McConnell (McGilvray)
Glenn McCreary
Bonnie McElwee (Shirack)
Kevin McKinney
Karen Meier (Shoemaker)
Steve Meier
Doug Miller
Julie Mitchell (Carlson)
David Moline
Dennis Moore
Marvin Moore
Ernestine Moreno (Prante)
Alaina Morrissey
Janet Moss (Stieve)
Arlen Muck
Ed Nave
Janet Neises (Diehl)
Brenda Newman (Polk)
Celia Nicholson
Karen Nickell
Mary Nigh
Mark Nunnelley
Troy Odell
Jeff Oehlert
Joni Olson (Mundell)
Todd O'Neil
John Osborn
Vicie Osmond (Martin)
Ross Ostenberg
Sharon Ottley (Burnett)
Terry Outland
Velinda Outland
Brian Palmer
Monette Parker (Cumby)
Jim Parnell
Cheri Parr
Mary Patrick
James Pearson
Barbara Peck (Bradbury)
Dave Petty
Tien Pham
Vinh Pham
Tom Phelps
Debbie Pickering (Heine)
Rob Pickrell
Nancy Pihl
Ronda Pilcher (Vance)
Joe Prather
Elton Price
Starr Pugh
Debra Radke
Tom Rauh
Craig Renfro
Sergio (Louie) Reyes
Debbie Rhine (Williams)
Stephanie Rhodenbaugh (Lampton)
Doyle Richardson
Michaela Richmond (Turner)
Cathy Riddle (Craig)
Amy Robertson
Connie Rodgers (Stroda)
Isabel Rodriguez (Colon)
Marie Roets (Schmidt)
Michelle Rose (Williams)
Pam Rose (Loop)
Ed Rosecrans
Mark Rowson
John Rush
Beth Rutz (Priddy)
Debbie Sanders (McClanahan)
Debbie Schmidt (Watson)
Allan Schoof
Susi Schreiber (Zeal)
Pam Schremmer (George)
Sonya Schwindt (Hoppock)
Kellie Serrault (Wilson)
Monte Shadwick
Connie Shannon (Olson)
Jo Shepard
Scott Shrole
Jay Simpson
Marty Simpson
Jack Smalley
Mark Smith
Wendy Snowball
Debra Soldan
Loren (Babe) Soldan
David Spaeny
Becky Steckman
Lisa Steele (Conway)
Dennis Stevenson
Mike Stewart
Bret Stitt
Janet Storey (Hierl)
Brenda Strange (Owens)
Toby Sutherland
Russell Sutterfield
Randy Swanson
Terry Talbott
Debbie Thayer
Brad Thibodeau
Laura Thompson (Hill)
Bruce Thrower
Rebecca Thummel (Rindt)
Michele Tiers (Schwartz)
Linda Tillberg
Kim Tompkins (Coit)
Audie Toney
Bill Toney
Tanya Toothman
Gene Towner
Mark Trimble
Chris Trocheck
Terry Tyler
Kim Tyner (Griep)
Mark Usher
Hung Van Luong
Jerry Vargas
Maritza Vargas
Ron Vaupel
Amy Von Niederhausern (Rice)
Teresa Wagner (Landes)
Jerry Waite
Russell Waller
Jeudi (Judy) Ward
Doug Warner
Gina Watkins (Montgomery)
Jacqueline Wavelet
John Weber
Jo Lynn Weidenhammer
Kristie Weis (Dean)
Mike Weis
Bill Weiser
Kim Wells (Grub)
Diane Wenthe (Haden)
Brad Whisler
Denise Whitaker
David White
Mike White
David Whitmer
Martin Wilbur
Doug Williams
Lisa Williams
Melvin Williams
Sheryl Williams
Stuart Williams
Terri Williams (Russell)
John Wilson
Lianne Wilson (Innes)
Ron Wilson
Debra Winn (Jamerson)
Tammy (Tami) Winters (Hayden)
Jodi Wisbey (Myers)
David Wojcik
Donna Wolf
Nick Wooster
Patricia Wostenberg
Judy Young (Crawford)
Lori Zaye (Wright)
Cindy Ziegler
Guest Members
Ruby Isadore (Prather)
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